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Home Page of Cyprus ReferNet

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ReferNet is a European network established by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP). It was set up in 2002 to meet the growing demand for comparative information about VET systems, developments and policies. Its mission is to support Cedefop by reporting on national VET systems and policy developments and raising the visibility of VET and Cedefop’s products. It comprises 30 members, known as ReferNet national partners, from EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. ReferNet national partners are key organisations involved in VET in the country they represent. ReferNet is the primary source of information on National VET systems as well as policy developments in VET. ReferNet also carries out documentary and dissemination activities at National and European level. The Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA) was designated as the National ReferNet Coordinator of the Cyprus ReferNet Consortium. The consortium comprises 18 ...

About Cedefop

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Cedefop is a European institution which supports political decision makers and practitioners at the European Commission, in the member states and in the organisations of the social partners throughout Europe so they can make informed decisions in matters of VET policy. “Cedefop” is an acronym consisting of the initial letters of the official French name for the centre, “Centre Européen pour le Développement de la Formation Professionnelle” (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training). Further information and an overview of the many different services offered by the centre based in Thessaloniki/Greece can be found on the website: You will find more info on ReferNet here.   Contact - ReferNet Secretariat Cedefop PO Box 22427 (Finikas) GR-551 02 Thessaloniki T: +30 (0)23 10 49 02 14 F: +30 (0)23 10 49 00 43 M:

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