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Various publications produced by ReferNet Cyprus but also by the European partners in the network.

VET in Europe Database

Designed for policymakers, educators, and others, the VET in Europe database offers a clear picture of national vocational training systems across Europe. Its up-to-date, themed descriptions make it simple to understand both similarities and differences.

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VET in Europe Database

Short Description of national VET systems

Publications contributing to better understanding of VET systems in countries.

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Short Description of national VET systems

Thematic perspectives

Series of articles which focus on themes selected for their actuality and relevance in Europe. These topics have generally featured among the highest priorities of the European Union Presidencies as regards vocational education and training.

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Thematic perspectives


The Spotlight summarizes key features, challenges and developments of the national VET system. Spotlights accommodate readers who need a concise introduction to VET in a specific country. They also aim to provide the necessary background for readers to understand the focus of national VET policy.

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National news on VET

Latest developments in vocational education and training, and employment and labor market issues in all partner countries

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National news on VET

Timeline of VET Policies

The Timeline of VET policies in Europe is a rich collection of strategies, action plans, legal acts, regulations, and practical measures in vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning (LLL) in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. The Timeline of VET policies in Europe presents the information as a timeline that helps observe how policies and practices develop over the years and through different stages, from design through implementation to completion.

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Timeline of VET Policies


Studies produced by Cedefop and recent studies produced by ReferNet Cyprus.

Studies produced by Cedefop:

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European inventory of validation of informal and non-formal learning 2023
Terminology of European education and training policy
Greening apprenticeships - From grassroot initiatives to comprehensive approaches
Learning outcomes going global- A multifaceted phenomenon